A word from the section editor
The aim of MountainMedia is to bring to the attention of our readers new information relating to the communication and exchange of knowledge concerning mountain regions. In doing this, we aim to complement other sources of information. For this reason, MountainMedia will regularly present relevant web sites, particularly those with many links to other sites. Given the dynamics of internet sites, we cannot guarantee that web addresses will remain valid in the long term. Mountain Research and Development (MRD) will continually add these sites to its searchable list of web sites on the MRD web site. MountainMedia does not currently intend to review mountain films or videos but is discussing how to develop wider awareness of these. One component of MountainMedia will continue to be reviews of books that fall within the scope of Mountain Research and Development. Such books are not always easy to identify. “Mountain” is a keyword used by few abstracting services, and many important books on mountain issues are published by small publishing companies and in a diversity of languages. We will also review relevant CDs.
I would like to encourage our readers to inform me of any book or CD that should be reviewed in Mountain Research and Development, and I would also be grateful for volunteers to undertake reviews, especially of books in languages other than English.
Web sites
http://www.mtnforum.org The Mountain Forum web site. It features interactive interfaces, such as discussion lists, E-mail auto-reply, electronic conferencing, an on-line library, and databases. Global information on sustainable mountain development is archived on this web site.
http://www.fao.org/forestry/for/forc/Mountain/default.stm The FAO Mountain Program web site. It contains information on the International Year of Mountains 2002, FAO field projects in relation to sustainable mountain development, mountain-related events and links, Chapter 13, mountain issues, and publications.
http://www.cipra.org The web site of CIPRA (International Commission for the Protection of the Alps), including current news from the Alps and documents relating to the Alpine Convention. The web site is presented in four languages: French, German, Italian, and Slovene.
http://www.sci.port.ac.uk/geology/rgsmrg/rgsmrg.htm The web site of the Mountain Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society, including an on-line database of mountain scientists and their research. Please register!